20 plus Examples of friction - Easy to observe in our daily life

20 plus Examples of friction - Easy to observe in our daily life

20 plus Examples of friction - Easy to observe in our daily life
Aditya Raj Anand
Tuesday 10 January 2023
20 plus Examples of friction - Easy to observe in our daily life

As we discussed in our previous post about Newton law's. We have also seen some of the important examples but here we will talk about the main topic that is friction force. 

We all well known about the term friction. Below are the deep discussion on 

What is Friction force? Examples of friction.

Friction is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact. It is a force that acts in the opposite direction of the motion of the object and can be either helpful or harmful.

Examples of Friction in Daily Life:

  1. Walking on a rough road or walking on ice.
  2. Holding a pencil or pen.
  3. Opening a jar or bottle.
  4. Brushing your teeth.
  5. Using brakes in a car or bicycle.
  6. Playing sports such as baseball or football.
  7. Typing on a keyboard.
  8. Using tools such as a hammer or screwdriver.
  9. Writing on a chalkboard or whiteboard.
  10. Using zipper.
  11. Using a matchstick or a lighter.
  12. Climbing a ladder or stairs.
  13. Opening a door or window.
  14. Using a fan or air conditioner.
  15. Using a vacuum cleaner.
  16. Painting a wall or a ceiling.
  17. Cooking on a stove or oven.
  18. Using a saw or a drill.
  19. Opening a book or a magazine.
  20. Playing musical instruments such as a guitar or piano.

Friction has many practical applications and can be used to our advantage. For example, friction is used to make car brakes work, to keep a pencil from slipping while we write, and to keep a building from sliding down a hill. However, too much friction can cause wear and tear on machinery and make it harder to move objects. To overcome friction, lubricants such as oil or grease can be used.

In summary, friction is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces, it can be helpful or harmful depending on the context and application, and it has many practical application in our daily life.

Friction is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact. It is a force that acts in the opposite direction of the motion of the object and can be either helpful or harmful.

Friction is an important concept in physics and engineering, as it affects motion and energy in many ways. It is responsible for the resistance encountered when attempting to start or stop motion, and also affects the stability and performance of moving parts in machinery.

Friction can be classified into two types: static and kinetic friction. Static friction is the force that oppose motion between two surfaces that are not moving relative to each other, while kinetic friction is the force that oppose motion between two surfaces that are in motion relative to each other. 

The coefficient of friction is a number that represents the ratio of the force of friction to the force pressing the two surfaces together.

1. Walking on a rough road or walking on ice.

Walking on a rough road or walking on ice. In both cases, friction between your shoe and the surface you are walking on makes it possible for you to walk without slipping. 

If the road or ground is rough, there is more friction between the shoe and the surface, which makes it easier to walk. On the other hand, if the surface is slippery like ice, the friction between the shoe and the surface is much less, making it more difficult to walk.

2. Holding a pencil or pen.

Holding a pencil or pen. The friction between your fingers and the pencil or pen allows you to hold it without it slipping out of your hand. The force of friction acts against the motion of the pencil or pen moving out of your hand.

3. Opening a jar or bottle

Opening a jar or bottle. When you twist off the lid of a jar or bottle, you are using friction to your advantage. The friction between the lid and the jar or bottle holds the lid in place, and you have to overcome this force of friction in order to open the jar or bottle.

4. Brushing your teeth. 

Brushing your teeth. Friction is also the reason why a toothbrush bristles can scrub the surface of your teeth clean. The bristles of the toothbrush, which are rough, create a strong force of friction against the surface of your teeth, which helps to remove plaque and food debris.

5. Using brakes in a car or bicycle

Using brakes in a car or bicycle. When you press the brake pedal or the brake lever on a car or bicycle, the friction between the brake pads or brake shoes and the wheels slows the vehicle down by applying a force in the opposite direction of the motion.

6. Playing sports such as baseball or football

Playing sports such as baseball or football. Friction affects the way that the ball behaves in different sports. In baseball, the rough surface of the baseball makes it possible for a pitcher to throw a curveball by creating more friction on one side of the ball than the other. In football, the friction between the ball and the grass makes it possible for a kicker to make a field goal by keeping the ball steady on the ground.

7. Typing on a keyboard

Typing on a keyboard. When you press a key on a keyboard, the friction between the key and the key's mechanical switch makes it possible for you to type. The force of friction holds the key in place and prevents it from slipping out of your finger's grasp.

8. Using tools such as a hammer 

Using tools such as a hammer or screwdriver. Friction is what allows you to use a hammer or screwdriver to drive nails or screws into a surface. The force of friction between the hammer or screwdriver and the surface you are working on prevents the tool from slipping out of your hand.

9. Writing on a chalkboard or whiteboard

Writing on a chalkboard or whiteboard. The friction between the chalk or marker and the surface of the chalkboard or whiteboard makes it possible for you to write or draw.

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