Next three Natural Numbers After 10999 - Know answer in [Short Form]

Next three Natural Numbers After 10999 - Know answer in [Short Form]

Next three Natural Numbers After 10999 - Know answer in [Short Form]
Aditya Raj Anand
Monday 29 November 2021
Next three Natural Numbers After 10999 - Know answer in [Short Form]

The natural numbers are also known as counting numbers. Here the question is we have to find three natural numbers after the number 10999. So as we know the next natural number can be calculated by only adding 1 more in the present given number. 

So the next natural number after 10999 is 10999 + 1 = 11000. Now, Add 1 more to the required number.

11000 + 1 = 11001,

11001 + 1 = 11002.

11002 + 1 = 11003.

In the above three case , we have added 1 more to the required number and get a next new natural number. If the question will ask that, find 10 natural number after 10999. then we have to add 1 more to ten times to get each next natural number.

For example:- find 10 natural number after 10999.

10999 + 1 = 11000

11000 + 1 = 11001

11001 + 1 = 11002

11002 + 1 = 11003

11003 + 1 = 11004

11004 + 1 = 11005

11005 + 1 = 11006

11006 + 1 = 11007

11007 + 1 = 11008

11008 + 1 = 11009

11009 + 1 = 11010

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